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Teen Life Blueprint To Greatness !!
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Monday, February 6, 2012

At Eighteen

At eighteen, the lights come on... to expose the weakness of young adults, to expose the many years of disobedience & mis-eduaction.

At 18, a school system no longer welcomes you with open arms, or with constant encouragement, or with unlimited & free resources... the newly graduated are dumped on our nation’s streets, to fend for themselves, in this cold & unforgiving world... longing for that opportunity they once took for granted, that 2nd, 3rd, 4th.... umpteenth chance to do it over... but at 18, there are no more do-overs.

At 18, the bubble bursts, leaving unprotected from real life, the young adults who ran with sin & mischief, through the sacred halls of our educational institutions... protected by their juvenile status, and our collective hope, for a hungry & thirsty student to appear.

At 18, life quickens for the naïve young adults, as the protective shell caves in, on the masses of the unprepared, pushing them into unwise decisions and unintended consequences... toward poverty, jail, and death... toward a life of wasted potential and bypassed dreams.

At 18, the final tick of the clock, sounds the end of a childhood... whether fulfilled ambitions or unfulfilled promises, the opportunities of an unlimited future, are either gained or lost, right before your eyes... whichever the case, there is no turning back... Gone, Baby, Gone !

Now YOU decide, what YOU will do, with the remaining years of YOUR childhood... but turning 18 Ain’t No Joke !