
Communicate & Motivate Effectively !
... Build trust and bridge the generation gap
... Plant seeds of inspiration that grow on their own

Discipline Safely !
... Build a child who desires and expects positive discipline

Foster Exceptional Learners !
... Develop children into a top 1% thinker and creator

Overcome Cultural Influences !
... Raise boys & girls to embrace their unique beauty. 

Single Mother’s Roadmap to Raising Greatness !
... Raise children with a strong identity and enduring vision for their future.
... Guarantee a quality education despite the schools they attend.
... Maintain respect and honor through the eyes of your children


No Joke Parenting Principle #137: 
No Joke Parents realize the significance of passing the torch to the next generation. 
Never stop talking to your children, never stop teaching, and never stop sharing your entire historical lives with your children: share memories from your own childhood, your beginnings, your upbringing, your hardships, your struggles, your beliefs, your values, your happiest times, your goals & dreams, and your most proudest moments. As parents, our children must know who we are, and our children must know, regardless of race and ethnicity, that they come from a great heritage, an illustrious history, that must be honored within each generation. Parents, if our children don’t know, they may never know. It’s up to you to pass the torch of your family’s great history, and instill the pride and conviction to become the next great generation.